Identification of genetically related vaccine-like poliovirus type 2 (PV2) in London sewage samples

You may be aware that vaccine-like type 2 poliovirus (PV2) isolates were found in three sewage samples collected from the London Beckton Sewage Treatment Works on 8th February, 12th April and 26th April 2022. This sewage treatment plant covers a large catchment area across North and East London and a population close to 4 million. The identification of genetically-related PV2 isolates in three sewage samples collected from London Beckton over a period of 77 days prompts the need to investigate if any level of indigenous poliovirus transmission is occurring.

Please urgently contact the practice:

  • if you have children under 5 years who missed out on routine vaccines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • if you are newly registered with the practice and unsure about whether children and adults are up to date with their routine immunisations, especially new migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

If you are unsure please contact reception and arrange a telephone consultation with a nurse.